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Equipping Women to Live and Lead With Wisdom and Self-Assurance.

Using evidence-based counseling tools, I equip women to live and lead with self-assurance and resilience to generate thriving inner confidence and connected relationships with themselves and others.

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About Krista
Hello! I’m Krista DeYoung, and as a mental health counselor.
Krista's Demo
Women are powerful forces for good.
Krista's Testimonials
Krista Deyoung is a fearless leader who speaks straight from the heart. 
Hello! I’m Krista DeYoung, and as a mental health counselor, I have seen firsthand how spirals of insecurity, destructive patterns, and debilitating emotions can derail a woman in every area of her life, especially her ability to lead and love others with compassion and resilience.
Women are powerful forces for good, and I am passionate about ensuring inner chaos does not derail a woman from her goals, parenting, or doing what she is designed to do!

Using evidence-based counseling tools, I equip women to live and lead with self-assurance and resilience to generate thriving inner confidence and connected relationships with themselves and others.
Krista Deyoung is a fearless leader who speaks straight from the heart. She relates to audiences effortlessly, and her voice is one that our culture urgently needs to hear from. 
Virginia Hood (LPC)

About Krista

Krista DeYoung is a dedicated clinical mental health counselor specializing in working with women, young adults, and adolescents. With over a decade of experience, Krista has focused on empowering women to address their self-worth, leadership, and relationships. Her commitment to this cause extends beyond the counseling room as she shares her expertise as a dynamic speaker at conferences, large and small events, virtual gatherings, podcasts, and workshops nationwide.

Recognized for her impactful contributions, Krista has worked directly with women and developed a group therapy curriculum tailored to their needs. Additionally, collaborating with a cherished colleague, she has co-created a comprehensive training curriculum for educators, enhancing their ability to support and empower their students’ mental health.

Krista's passion lies in addressing and nurturing female mental health. She firmly believes in women's powerful voices of influence and is dedicated to helping them live without fear and crippling insecurity. Beyond her professional pursuits, Krista and her husband enjoy global travel, humanitarian work, and eating fun food! They are parents to a vibrant three-year-old son who enriches their lives with love and purpose.

Krista's Topics

Recognized for her impactful contributions, Krista has worked directly with women and developed a group therapy curriculum tailored to their needs.



Lead from Within: Mastering Leadership through Self-Assurance and Influence

In this enlightening session, we will delve into the core aspects of personal development, mental well-being, and the profound connection between authentic leadership and one's inner health.

Key Takeaways:

Identify Personal Mental-Health Roadblocks Impacting Leadership:
Uncover the subtle yet powerful mental-health roadblocks like negative self-talk, catastrophizing, and emotional highjacking that may be hindering your leadership potential, whether that is leading your family or a corporate team! Our speaker will guide you through self-reflection exercises to help you identify and address these barriers. You will also gain insights into how mental well-being influences leadership effectiveness and learn practical strategies to overcome challenges.

Strategies to Connect with Your 'wisdom-led’ self:
Explore the concept of your "wisdom-led" self – the authentic, intuitive, and purpose-driven core of your being. Discover strategies to connect with this inner wisdom, allowing it to guide your leadership journey. Our keynote speaker will share techniques for identifying weaknesses, gaining self-awareness, and aligning your strengths with your leadership style to enhance your overall effectiveness.

What Prevents Most Women from Living Confidently– and How to Avoid It:
Understand the common pitfalls hindering women from living out of confidence and a sense of dignity. Gain valuable insights into how societal expectations, self-doubt, and early life messages can affect self-concept and relationships.. Learn practical tips and strategies to overcome these obstacles and cultivate the resilience to thrive in multiple areas of life!!

Tips for Setting Boundaries with Difficult Parts of You:
Growth often involves managing internal conflicts and setting boundaries with aspects of yourself that may undermine your success. Explore techniques for embracing and integrating these challenging aspects, allowing you to lead with authenticity and compassion. Our speaker will provide practical tips for setting boundaries and maintaining a healthy internal balance for more effective and compassionate leadership with yourself and others.

Who Should Attend:
  • Women in leadership roles seeking personal and professional growth
  • Women interested in understanding the intersection of mental well-being, relationships and influence
  • Individuals navigating leadership or relationship challenges and seeking practical solutions
  • Organizations/churches/non-profits committed to fostering a culture of
  • well-being and authenticity among their female employees

Cultivating Wholeness: Overcoming Insecurity, Fostering Self-Leadership, and Cultivating Powerful Relationships

Join us for a transformative workshop to address some of the most pressing challenges facing women today. Led by the experienced therapist Krista, this session will tackle issues such as comparison, negative self-talk, and the detrimental impact of false messages on women's self-worth. Dive into evidence-based tools and practical strategies that empower women to break free from the spiral of insecurity, ultimately transforming these challenges into strengths.

Key Workshop Focus Areas:

Breaking the Comparison Trap:
Explore the toxic nature of comparison and its profound impact on women's lives. Discover practical tools to recognize and overcome the comparison trap, allowing you to celebrate your unique strengths and contributions.

Conquering Negative Self-Talk:
Negative self-talk can be a formidable barrier to living a life of wisdom, health, and wholeness. Learn actionable techniques to challenge and reframe these self-limiting thoughts. Krista will guide you through evidence-based methods that empower you to renew your mind and foster a more positive and affirming inner dialogue.

Dispelling False Messages about Worth:
Uncover the root causes of false messages that undermine your sense of worth. Gain insights into how these messages impact various aspects of your life, from leadership to relationships. Explore strategies to challenge and replace these false beliefs, cultivating a solid and authentic sense of self-worth.

The Power of Internal Boundary-Setting:
Krista will introduce the concept of internal boundary-setting as a transformative tool for self-leadership and connected relationships. Learn how to establish healthy boundaries with negative thoughts and emotions, turning them into allies rather than adversaries. This crucial skill enables women to take charge of their mental and emotional well-being.

Cultivating Improved Relationships:
Through the workshop, discover how the principles of self-leadership and internal boundary-setting can positively influence your relationships with both yourself and others. Gain practical insights and strategies to build healthier, more empowering connections in both personal and professional spheres.

Who Should Attend:
  • Women facing challenges related to comparison, negative self-talk, and self-worth
  • Professionals seeking evidence-based tools for personal and professional growth
  • Leaders committed to fostering a supportive and empowering workplace culture
  • Women interested in building resilience and enhancing their overall well-being





Deepening Your Relationship with God: Overcoming Insecurity, and Cultivating Empowering Connections"

Some of the most significant issues facing women are comparison, negative self-talk, and believing false messages about their worth. When women are caught in a spiral of insecurity, it impacts every area of their lives, from their faith to their work and roles as mothers, wives, leaders, and daughters of God.

In this actionable session, Krista uses evidence-based tools from her work as a therapist to help Christian women take charge of their negative thoughts, destructive patterns, and debilitating emotions and turn them into formidable allies through the powerful concept of God-centered self-leadership. This enables women to cultivate improved relationships with themselves, others, and God.

Learning Objectives:
  • Identify personal mental-health roadblocks impacting functioning
  • Strategies to connect with your spirit-led self
  • What trips most women up from thriving and how to avoid it
  • Tips for setting boundaries with difficult parts of you so that you can improve your relationship with yourself, others, and God.

What Clients Say

Women are powerful forces for good, and I am passionate about ensuring inner chaos does not derail a woman from her goals, parenting, or doing what she is designed to do!
Krista is such a blessing to so many! Recently, we hosted a Cultivate Wholeness class that Krista led. She is able to communicate with clarity & kindness to the ladies in the group in a way that makes them feel loved and surrounded by people who care. The class brought light to how to extend grace those parts of us that we usually dismiss and want to hide. Krista is so relatable, relaxed and genuine! Women in our group certainly connected with her and were responsive to the exercises that she had us do in class.

Wendy H. Foothills Bible Church


Connect with Krista

Using evidence-based counseling tools, I equip women to live and lead with self-assurance and resilience to generate thriving inner confidence and connected relationships with themselves and others.


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